Life is Happening Evolve Your Legacy:  Updating Your Estate Plan

Hey there, my fellow legacy builders!  

It tis I, your trusted estate planning expert, back with some valuable insights on keeping your estate plan up-to-date.

Life is all about change, and so should be your estate plan. In this blog, I’ll walk you through the process, provide tips, and make sure you’re in control of your financial legacy. So grab your favorite beverage and let’s get it! 

Imagine you’ve built a solid estate plan, but you’ve neglected to update it for years. Suddenly, there’s a plot twist – maybe a new family member, a change in assets, or a major law revision. Your outdated plan doesn’t reflect your current situation.  

However, you read this blog on a regular and your estate plan is a well-oiled machine, seamlessly adapting to life’s twists and turns. You’re confident that your assets will be distributed precisely as you wish. No stress, no confusion. You get to live the life you love because you created it that way. And, your loved ones find comfort in your preparedness, and your legacy thrives long after you’re gone. 

Step 1: A Thorough Review 

Begin your estate plan update by conducting a comprehensive review of your current documents. This should encompass not only your will and living trust but all relevant estate planning papers. This initial step provides clarity on the existing framework you’ve set in place. 

Step 2: Identifying Crucial Changes 

Next, undertake a thorough evaluation to identify any changes that have occurred since your last estate plan update. Consider the following: 

  • Assets and Liabilities: Have your assets and debts experienced significant changes? This could include property acquisitions, investments, or paying off loans. 
  • Family Dynamics: Has your family structure evolved? Marriages, divorces, births, or deaths within the family can necessitate adjustments to beneficiaries or guardianships. 
  • Laws and Regulations: Stay informed about changes in estate planning laws and regulations, as these can influence the effectiveness of your plan. 

Step 3: Implementation of Amendments 

With a clear understanding of what needs to change, you can proceed to make the required amendments to your estate planning documents. Depending on the complexity of these adjustments, you may need to create new documents or modify existing ones. 

Step 4: Proper Execution 

Ensure that your updated estate planning documents are executed correctly. Follow the necessary legal formalities, which may involve having your documents witnessed and notarized. This step is crucial to validate the legitimacy of your wishes. 

Step 5: Safekeeping Your Updated Documents 

The importance of safeguarding your estate planning documents cannot be overstated. Store them securely, and make sure your loved ones know where to find them when the time comes. This meticulous care ensures your instructions are accessible and honored. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Regularly review your estate plan, especially after significant life events. 
  • Collaborate with an estate planning attorney to keep your plan legally sound. 
  • Maintain up-to-date records of your assets and debts for accuracy. 

FAQ: When Should I Update My Estate Plan? 

A common misconception is that estate plans are set in stone. In reality, they should evolve with your life. Any major life change – marriage, divorce, births, or deaths – warrants an immediate review. Don’t wait for surprises to strike.  

Most of my readers are independent business owners and professionals. I suggest updating your plan annually, birthdays are a great time for review. 

Guide to Resolution 

  • Review your current estate plan: Gather your documents and assess their relevance. 
  • Identify necessary changes: Consider asset changes, family dynamics, and legal updates. 
  • Consult an estate planning attorney: They’ll ensure your plan is legally sound. 
  • Update and execute documents: Create new documents or amend existing ones as needed. 
  • Safeguard your plan: Store documents securely and inform your loved ones of their location. 

Now, my dear friends, it’s time to take action. Don’t let your legacy slip through the cracks. Sign up for the #30DayLegacy and establish your legacy within 30 days. Download our free eBook, “A Comprehensive Guide to Simple Estate Planning,” and consider our guided workbook, “Wealthy Legacy: 10 Steps to Creating Generational Wealth.” Your future self and your loved ones will thank you. 

Let’s embrace the world of estate planning updates, ensuring that we leave a legacy, not a mess. Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Let’s do this! 

Keep Living! 


L.A. Mason & Associates 

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