Remarriage and the Bag: Safeguard Your Assets and Give Love A Second Chance  

Hey there, my friend!  

Imagine we’re catching up over a cup of coffee or tea, and you start sharing that you’ve found love again, and this time, you’re saying “I do” once more. I’d give you a big smile and a warm hug because love is a beautiful thing. But then, I’d lean in and ask, “What about your assets? How can we make sure they’re safe and sound?” 

I don’t mean to be rude, but sis, you’ve been through A LOT.  I’m happy you’re ready to give love another shot. However, I wouldn’t be your girl if I didn’t want to make sure your hard-earned assets are protected in this new chapter of life. So, let’s sit down, chat, and explore the path to blending love and financial security. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • We’ll dive into why estate planning in remarriage is a must. 
  • I’ll share some smart strategies to safeguard your assets and ensure financial peace. 
  • We’ll explore ways to blend your new family’s needs while still preserving your legacy. 

You know how it is, my friend. Remarriage, as wonderful as it is, can also bring some financial puzzles to solve. It’s that nagging thought of what happens to your assets if the unexpected comes knocking.  

Trust me, estate planning in the world of remarriage is more common than you think. The numbers show it’s on the rise, and people are combining their financial lives. That’s why nailing down a solid estate plan is essential to protect what’s rightfully yours. 

Imagine a future where you and your new spouse have a rock-solid estate plan in place. Your assets are snug and secure, and you both have peace of mind. Your blended family thrives, and your legacy remains a shining beacon for generations to come. 


Q: Wondering if a prenup is necessary when you’re planning to tie the knot again?  

A: Great question! We’ll chat about prenuptial agreements and other estate planning strategies that don’t take away from the romance of the moment. 

Guide to Resolution:  

Step 1: Open Communication 

  • Let’s start with a heart-to-heart chat with your new love about your financial dreams, goals, and any worries. 

Step 2: Update Your Estate Plan 

  • We’ll chat about giving your existing estate plan a little makeover to fit your new life. 
  • We might talk about wills, trusts, and who gets what. 

Step 3: Consider a Trust 

  • Ever thought about setting up a trust? We’ll explore how it can protect assets for your new spouse and your kids from previous marriages. 

Step 4: Define Your Legacy 

  • We’ll work together to figure out how you’d like your assets distributed, making sure it’s fair and secure for everyone. 

If you’re on the path of remarriage and want to keep your assets and legacy safe and sound, consider signing up for our #30DayLegacy Challenge. It’s a great way to kickstart your estate planning journey. And if you want expert guidance, my friends at L.A. Mason & Associates are here to help you create a secure financial future for your blended family. 

Love is beautiful, my friend, and with the right estate planning, you can ensure that your love story continues to shine brightly, both for you and generations to come. 

Take Care of Each Other, 


Chief Strategist 

L.A. Mason & Associates 

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