The Cryptocurrency Market in the Past Month: What’s Changed? 

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the volatility in the cryptocurrency market in the past month. One factor is the ongoing uncertainty in the global financial markets. The war in Ukraine and the rising inflation have caused investors to become more risk-averse, and this has led to some selling pressure in the cryptocurrency market. 
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Under Surveillance: The Intrusive Nature of the Beneficial Ownership Information Report for Businesses

Stay Informed: The Impact of Beneficial Ownership Information Reports on Your Business! As a business owner, it's crucial to understand the significance of a Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR). These reports outline your business's ownership details and can greatly affect your operations. From ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering laws to managing relationships with financial institutions, having an up-to-date BOIR is essential. Don't get caught unaware; learn how the BOIR can impact your business, potential penalties for non-compliance, and the importance of maintaining transparency in your business's ownership structure. Stay ahead of the curve by understanding your obligations and how to navigate the complexities of BOIRs.
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Preserve Your Entrepreneurial Legacy: Expert Estate Planning Insights for Longevity

Discover the vital components of estate planning for small business owners. Learn about business succession plans, buy-sell agreements, life insurance, trusts, and the importance of working with an experienced estate planning attorney to protect your business and loved ones.
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Cryptocurrency tax professionals are essential to the market.

Why Tax Preparers Need To Know About Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has taken the financial world by storm, revolutionizing the way we transact and invest. As a tax preparer, it's essential to recognize the significant impact of digital currencies and the tax implications they carry. With the market cap of all cryptocurrencies exceeding $3 trillion, understanding how to navigate this complex landscape is crucial to providing exceptional service to your clients and securing your own professional success. 
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Preparers Need to Understand Cryptocurrency for Payment Risks

Cryptocurrency tax preparation can be a complex endeavor, given the ever-changing nature of the industry. As a tax preparer, understanding the risks associated with accepting cryptocurrency payments is crucial for ensuring compliance and providing exceptional service to your clients. In this blog, we will share 10 valuable tips to help you navigate the risks and make the most out of accepting cryptocurrency for tax preparation.
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Estate planning client before consultation with L.A. Mason and Associates: Professional consultant discussing estate planning options with a client.

Claiming Crypto Losses on Your Taxes? 5 Important Things You Need to Know

Friend, I keep repeating myself! Cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular in recent years, and with this increased popularity comes increased tax implications. With so many people investing in crypto, it's not surprising that many of them are experiencing losses. If you're one of them, it's important to know how to properly claim these losses on your taxes. 
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